
The public service is committed to gender equity, and inclusion and diversity more broadly. This Action Plan is part of the government's commitment to eliminate gender and discrimination at DOC.

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Executive summary of the 2023 Action Plan

Kia Toipoto, the Public Service Commission pay gaps action plan, has three goals:

  • to make substantial progress towards closing gender, Māori, Pacific, and ethnic pay gaps
  • accelerate progress for wāhine Māori, Pacific women, and women from ethnic communities
  • create fairer workplaces for all, including disabled people and members of rainbow communities.

This Action Plan identifies how DOC is tracking towards achieving the Public Service Commission’s Kia Toipoto goals.

It sets out our commitment to build on the success of our Gender, Māori and Ethnic Pay Gap Action Plan 2022, and to further reduce gaps. This work is done in conjunction with the Public Service Association (PSA).

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