
Read important information to know about Peak before you go.

Prepare well for this hike

This is a full day strenuous hike – allow plenty of time and leave early.

Pack everything on the Day hikes gear list, or the Overnight Gear List if you are staying at Syme Hut. We also recommend walking poles and gaiters/putties (these stop scree going down your boots).

There is no water available on the track – take 2-3 litres with you.

Syme Hut is busy in summer, pack a tent as backup

Be aware that Syme Hut gets very busy over summer. We recommend carrying a tent, in case there are no sleeping spaces available in the hut.

Be ready for changeable weather

This route is exposed and not recommended in ice and snow unless an experienced mountaineer.

Weather on the mountain changes rapidly – you must be well prepared with suitable clothing and equipment for all weather and conditions. Always carry a waterproof raincoat and plenty of warm layers.

Be prepared to turn back if you are finding the climb too difficult or if the weather deteriorates - thick cloud can descend making navigation difficult.

Snow, high rainfall and storm damage can make tracks impassable. Talk to a local DOC Visitor Centre for the latest track conditions.

Check the Egmont National Park weather forecast before you go.

This hike is much more difficult in winter

You need special skills and preparation to climb Fathams Peak from May to November/December. There are increased risks from snow, ice, avalanche terrain, bad weather and sub-zero temperatures.

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