Cobb Reservoir



The Cobb Valley region is one of the most interesting in the country for trampers and naturalists. Enjoy the impressive mountain and bush scenery, remarkable botany and geology, and interesting human story.

Find things to do and places to stay Cobb Valley

 Powerboats are prohibited.

The Cobb area is popular for brown, and especially rainbow trout. The Cobb Reservoir is open all year but the rivers are seasonal only. All anglers must have a licence from the Fish and Game Council.

Find the right licence from Fish & Game.


The Cobb Reservoir is ideal for canoeing. Powerboats are not allowed.

Check, Clean, Dry

Clean all gear when moving between waterways to prevent the spread of didymo and other freshwater pests.

How to check, clean, dry your gear.


Whakatū/Nelson Visitor Centre
Phone +64 3 546 9339
Address Millers Acre/Taha o te Awa
1/37 Halifax Street
Nelson 7010
Hours Visitor centre hours and services

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