
Safety information you should consider before commencing your trip.

Track not recommended for young children

Track is not recommended for children under the age of 10, due to the exposed mountainous environment and often adverse weather conditions.

Weather conditions

Weather conditions can change quickly in any season. Fiordland National Park experiences high rainfall (up to 9,000 mm per year) and weather conditions can change quickly in any season. Cold temperatures, snow, strong winds and heavy rain can occur at any time of the year. Be prepared for all conditions. Check the Fiordland National Park weather forecast – NIWA website.

Avalanche risk

The risk of avalanche can extend into December. During the Great Walks season, DOC manages avalanche risk and may close the alpine section between Luxmore Hut and Iris Burn Hut if there is avalanche hazard.

Kea are present

Kea are present on the alpine section and Iris Burn area of the track. These inquisitive birds are interested in your camping gear, so be aware of potential damage to your tent and guard your gear to avoid damage or loss.

Bed bugs in Kepler Track huts

Bed bugs were found at Luxmore Hut in October 2021. We treated the Kepler Track huts every six weeks throughout summer 2021/22 as a precaution. The last known sighting was in February 2022.

Bed bugs are a common occurrence in high use shared sleeping areas. Help to prevent bed bugs spreading by checking your gear before and after staying in our huts. If you have any concerns, or have seen any, contact the Fiordland National Park Visitor Centre.

Take precautions not to spread didymo 

Didymo is present in Lake Te Anau, Lake Manapouri and the Waiau River, but currently not in the pristine Irisburn River.

All visitors should take precautions to avoid transporting didymo when on the Kepler Track.

Use the Check, Clean Dry guidelines to ensure didymo is not spread to further. Do not take water from these areas and avoid filling water bottles and swimming here (in the rivers after swimming the lakes).

More information about preventing the spread of freshwater pests in Fiordland National Park.

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