
We are planning to control introduced predators across more than 750,000 hectares of public conservation land in 2024.

Our National Predator Control Programme protects native wildlife and forests at important conservation sites across New Zealand.

Currently, we control predators on a sustained, rotational basis over about 1.8 million ha which is nearly 20% of public conservation land.

It’s critical that rats, stoats, and possums are regularly controlled so that populations of threatened native species can survive and grow.

This is particularly important when beech forests produce more seeds than usual, known as a mast event, and predator populations rapidly increase.

A beech mast occurred in most South Island forests in 2023. This has triggered predator control operations in many high-priority areas in 2024.

In the North Island, there is a backlog of operations to complete in 2024, due to persistent bad weather over much of 2023.

Aerially applied 1080 is the best method available to control introduced predators and protect native species over large areas and rough terrain. Ground control tools, including traps and toxins in bait stations, are also used.

Protecting critical wildlife areas

We prioritise areas for predator control using the following criteria:

  • the beech mast forecast and resulting increases in predator populations
  • conservation planning with iwi, hapū and key community stakeholders
  • risks to key ecosystems and populations of the most vulnerable species
  • the history and results of previous predator control operations in the area.

The timing of operations is also determined by predator monitoring results and the weather.

The areas prioritised for 2024 are in the search tool below.

You can also view all operations since 2016.

Check if tracks are safe for dogs

Following a predator control operation, it is not safe to hunt animals for food and walking tracks and forest areas are closed for dogs. These restrictions are in place for up to eight months.  

For more information, see:

View a map

For more detailed information and operational boundaries:

Pesticides summaries interactive map.

Search for an operation

Search for information about this year’s operations using the filters or view the complete list of operations below. Descriptions of the operation status: 

  • Planned: DOC intends to carry out predator control in this location this year. Planning processes are underway, which include consultation, pest monitoring, obtaining DOC and Public Health Unit permissions
  • Underway: for ground control operations this means traps and/or bait stations have been installed and are being actively managed
  • Complete: the predator control operation has been carried out. Pesticides may still be present in the area – follow local warning signs and track alerts.


Puketi-Omahuta, Bay of Islands, Northland

Areas included or near by: Ōmahuta- Puketī Forest Conservation Park
Aerial or ground-based: Ground
Estimated hectares: 4000
Status: Ongoing

Species protected include:
Kiwi, kūkupa, kauri snail, pekapeka/short and long tailed bats, toutouwai/North Island robin, forest and Northland green gecko

Waipoua, Kauri Coast, Northland

Areas included or near by: Waipoua Forest
Aerial or ground-based: Ground
Estimated hectares: 1790
Status: Ongoing

Species protected include:
Kiwi, kōkako


Hauhungaroa, King Country, Waikato

Areas included or near by: Hauhungaroa Range, Pureora South, Waituhi Forest, Waipapa
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 80477
Date: Winter 2024
Status: Planned

Species protected include:
Kākā, kōkakō, pekapeka/long tailed bats, kākāriki

Mapara Ground, King Country, Waikato

Areas included or near by: Mapara Wildlife Management Reserve
Aerial or ground-based: Ground
Estimated hectares: 1429
Status: Ongoing

Species protected include:
Kōkako, toutouwai / North Island robin, pekapeka / long tailed bats


Taranaki Mounga, New Plymouth, Taranaki

Areas included or near by: Egmont National Park
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 30870
Date: Autumn 2024
Status: Planned

Species protected include:
Whio, South Island robin, fernbird, rifleman, powelliphanta

Hutiwai Stream, New Plymouth, Taranaki

Areas included or near by: Hutiwai and Mohakatino forests
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 34457
Date: Winter 2024
Status: Planned

Species protected include:
Kiwi, kākā, kākāriki, pekapeka/short and long tailed bats

Waitaanga Plateau, New Plymouth, Taranaki

Areas included or near by: Waitaanga Forest
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 19255
Date: Winter 2024
Status: Planned

Species protected include:
Kiwi, toutouwai / North Island robin, whio, pekapeka/short and long tailed bats


Papakai , Whitianga, Coromandel

Areas included or near by: Papakai Ecological Area
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 11335
Date: Winter 2024
Status: Planned

Species protected include:
Kiwi, kākā, pekapeka/long tailed bats

Hauraki-Southern Forest , Hauraki, Coromandel

Areas included or near by: Coromandel Forest Park including Waiomu Ecological Area & Kauaeranga Valley
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 24910
Date: Winter 2024
Status: Planned

Species protected include:
Kiwi, pekapeka/long tailed bats, Archey's frog, Hochstetter’s frog

Bay of Plenty

Raukūmara Pae Maunga 2C, Whakatane, Bay of Plenty

Areas included or near by: The Raukūmara Conservation Park, Raukūmara Ranges, and surrounding areas
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 28102
Date: Autumn 2024
Status: Completed

Species protected include:
Kākā, kiwi, whio, pekapeka/bats, Hochstetter’s frog

Raukūmara Pae Maunga 3, Whakatane, Bay of Plenty

Areas included or near by: The Raukūmara Conservation Park, Raukūmara Ranges, and surrounding areas
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 26570
Date: Autmun 2024
Status: Completed

Species protected include:
Kākā, kiwi, whio, pekapeka/bats, Hochstetter’s frog

Whirinaki, Whakatane, Bay of Plenty

Areas included or near by: Whirinaki Te Pua a Tane Conservation Park
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 40854
Date: Winter 2024
Status: Planned

Species protected include:
Whio, pekapeka/short and long tailed bats, kākā, kākāriki,

Mokaihaha, Rotorua, Bay of Plenty

Areas included or near by: Southern Mamaku Plateau
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 2234
Date: Winter 2024
Status: Planned

Species protected include:
Kōkakō, kākā, pekapeka/long tailed bats, kākāriki

Central North Island

Whanganui-Mangapurua, Whanganui, Central North Island

Areas included or near by: Central and southern Whanganui National Park, Waitotara Conservation Area and part of Whangamomona Conservation Area
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 39817
Date: Winter 2024
Status: Planned

Species protected include:
Whio, kākā, kiwi, kākāriki

Tongariro , Tongariro, Central North Island

Areas included or near by:
Aerial or ground-based: Ground
Estimated hectares: 7819
Status: Ongoing

Species protected include:

Lower North Island

Northern Ruahine, Manawatu, Lower North Island

Areas included or near by: Ruahine Forest Park
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 37017
Date: Winter 2024
Status: Planned

Species protected include:
Eastern North Island brown kiwi, whio, kākā, kākāriki, powelliphanta, pekapeka/long tailed bats

Pukaha Mt Bruce, Wairarapa, Lower North Island

Areas included or near by: Pukaha Mt Bruce
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 864
Date: Winter 2024
Status: Planned

Species protected include:
Kiwi, kōkakō, kākā, kākāriki, titipounamu/rifleman, whio

Northern South Island

Kahurangi - Cobb, Golden Bay, Northern South Island

Areas included or near by: Cobb Valley, Anatoki Ranges, Wharepapa/Arthur Range
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 76753
Date: Summer 2024
Status: Completed

Species protected include:
Pekapeka/long tailed bats, tuke/rock wren, kea, powelliphanta, great spotted kiwi, whio, kākā

Kahurangi - Parapara, Golden Bay, Northern South Island

Areas included or near by: Anatoki River, central Aorere River, Parapara Ridge and Anatoki Ranges
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 35888
Date: Summer 2024
Status: Completed

Species protected include:
Pekapeka/long tailed bats, kea, powelliphanta, great spotted kiwi, whio, kākā

Kahurangi - Gouland, Golden Bay, Northern South Island

Areas included or near by: Kahurangi National Park and North-West Nelson Forest Park
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 41747
Date: Autumn 2024
Status: Completed

Species protected include:
Kiwi, whio, kea, kākā, pekapeka/long tailed bats, takahē, rock wren

West Coast

Kahurangi - Kakapo, Buller, West Coast

Areas included or near by: Kākāpo River, Herbert Range
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 32869
Date: Summer 2024
Status: Completed

Species protected include:
Tuke/rock wren, whio, powelliphanta, great spotted kiwi, kea, kākā

Kahurangi - Heaphy Lowlands, Buller, West Coast

Areas included or near by: Low altitude, species rich coastal forest lying between the Tasman Mountains and the sea.
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 26405
Date: Spring 2024
Status: Planned

Species protected include:
Northern rātā, pekapeka/long tailed bats, rorora/great spotted kiwi, powelliphanta, whio, pīwauwau/rock wren

Punakaiki, Buller, West Coast

Areas included or near by: Western Paparoa Ranges
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 43330
Date: Winter 2024
Status: Planned

Species protected include:
Kiwi, whio

Landsborough, South Westland, West Coast

Areas included or near by: Landsborough Valley, borderd by Haast River, Bealey Range, Southern Alps, Hooker Range
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 33695
Date: Summer 2024
Status: Completed

Species protected include:
Mohua, kea, rock wren, whio, pekapeka/long tailed bats, kākā, kākāriki

Alfred River, Greymouth, West Coast

Areas included or near by: Alfred River catchment from Lake Daniell southwards, and northern faces of Lewis Pass tops
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 10577
Date: Winter 2024
Status: Planned

Species protected include:
Pekapeka/long tailed bats, kākā, kākāriki, whio, riflemen

Roaring Meg, Greymouth, West Coast

Areas included or near by: Eastern Paparoa Range including Roaring Meg and Pike river catchments
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 11685
Date: Winter 2024
Status: Planned

Species protected include:
Kiwi, whio, powelliphanta

Haast kiwi, South Westland, West Coast

Areas included or near by: Haast kiwi sanctuary
Aerial or ground-based: Ground
Estimated hectares: 11158
Status: Ongoing

Species protected include:
Haast tokoeka/kiwi, pekapeka/bats, kākā


Arthur's Pass East, Rangiora, Canterbury

Areas included or near by: Arthur’s Pass National Park and Lake Sumner Forest
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 16919
Date: Summer 2024
Status: Completed

Species protected include:
Kākāriki karaka/orange-fronted parakeet, kiwi


Murchison Mountains, Te Anau, Fiordland

Areas included or near by: Fiordland National Park, bounded by Lake Te Anau
Aerial or ground-based: Ground
Estimated hectares: 27013
Status: Ongoing

Species protected include:
Takahē, mohua, whio, kea, kākā


Eglinton, Te Anau, Fiordland

Areas included or near by: Fiordland National Park, between Te Anau to the Divide
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 43551
Date: Winter 2024
Status: Completed

Species protected include:
Kea, rock wren/tuke, long-tailed bats, mohua

Waitutu, Te Anau, Fiordland

Areas included or near by: Waitutu Forest from south coast to Princess Mountains alpine area, and from Te Waewae Bay to Lake Hakapoua
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 32295
Date: Autumn 2024
Status: Completed

Species protected include:
Mistletoe, kākā

Clinton-Arthur- Cleddau, Te Anau, Fiordland

Areas included or near by: Clinton, Arthur, Sinbad and Cleddau river catchments
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 40749
Date: Autumn 2024
Status: Completed

Species protected include:
Whio, kea, rock wren, pekapeka/long tailed bats, kākā, kiwi, mohua

Seaforth-Grebe, Te Anau, Fiordland

Areas included or near by: Fiordland National Park, Seaforth River valley, Merrie and Turret Ranges
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 58183
Date: Autumn 2024
Status: Completed

Species protected include:
Kiwi, rock wren, mohua, pekapeka/long tailed bats


Makarora , Central Otago, Otago

Areas included or near by: Mt Aspiring National Park from Haast Pass to the head of Lake Wanaka
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 36395
Date: Autumn 2024
Status: Completed

Species protected include:
Mohua, whio, kākā, kea, rock wren

Dart-Caples, Wakatipu, Otago

Areas included or near by: Mt. Aspiring national park, Caples, Routeburn and Dart Valleys. From Glenorchy to the Cascade saddleWilkin.
Aerial or ground-based: Aerial
Estimated hectares: 43326
Date: Summer 2024
Status: Completed

Species protected include:
Kea, mohua, rockwren/tuke, whio, long-tailed bats

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