
Find out about the development of the Te Hiku o Te Ika-a-Māui Conservation Management Strategy (CMS).

Update: 22 July 2024

We are currently finalising the draft CMS and will be inviting the public to make submissions on 5 August 2024. From this date, you will be able to view a copy of the draft and find out how you can make a submission to help shape the CMS.

If you would like to receive an email when the draft has been notified, email your contact details to


The CMS forms part of the cultural redress package known as the Korowai for Enhanced Conservation (‘the Korowai’) that features various co-governance arrangements for public conservation lands and waters in the Treaty Settlements of the four Te Hiku o Te Ika iwi (Te Hiku iwi):

  • Ngāti Kuri
  • Te Aupōuri
  • NgāiTakoto
  • Te Rarawa.

Te Aupōuri, NgāiTakoto and Te Rarawa have contributed to the drafting. Ngāti Kuri have not participated directly, but have contributed in other ways.

The CMS applies to an area defined in Treaty Settlements as the Te Korowai area or Te Hiku region, which extends from the Hokianga Harbour and mid-point Rangaunu Harbour northwards to Te Rerenga Wairua including Manawatāwhi (Three Kings Islands).

Download map showing Te Korowai area (PDF, 1,400K)

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